Regular Water Main Cleaning for High-Quality Water

Westernport Water is committed to providing high-quality drinking water to our customers and community.

Regular maintenance of water mains will be conducted from 17 to 28 June 2024 to improve the quality of your water supply, using a technique known as air scouring.

Air scouring involves pushing compressed air into the water pipes at high velocity, dislodging any naturally occurring sediment, which is then flushed out through nearby hydrants.

This year, our maintenance program will take place in the following locations: Ventnor, Sunset Strip, San Remo, Kilcunda, Dalyston, Archies Creek, and Coronet Bay.

The water supply will be turned off temporarily in each affected street to clean the water main. Westernport Water’s cleaning contractors will progressively work through each township.

Residents will be directly notified of work being done in their area, prior to any interruption. Customers are asked to turn their stop tap off at the water meter before the time of commencement listed on the interruption notice.

Contractors do not necessarily have to be on your street or at your property to carry out their work. Customers are advised not to operate any tap or appliances that use water between the hours stated on the interruption notice to avoid potential stress on plumbing and appliances.

Generally, the scouring process will take less than 2 hours (specific hours will be stated on the interruption notices provided). It’s advised that if water is needed during the scouring process that people fill jugs, sinks, baths or containers prior to isolation.


Quotes attributed to Dona Tantirimudalige, Managing Director of Westernport Water

“Investment in preventative maintenance programs like this are essential to ensure we consistently provide high-quality water that meets the needs and expectations of our customers.”

“After the cleaning is complete, water may appear cloudy due to the presence of fine air bubbles in the water. This can be resolved by allowing the water to settle in an open container or running your back tap for a short period.”

“We appreciate your understanding and cooperation during this essential maintenance period.”

A full schedule of works is provided on the Westernport Water website



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