Water Conservation Resource Kits for accommodation

Saving Water on holiday

While we might think about conserving water while at home, we should also save water while we are on holiday.  By changing a few simple things in the bathroom, we can all help save water at our accommodation while on holiday.

Follow this simple smart water advice while on holiday:
  • Report any leaking tap, shower or toilet to reception
  • Take a shorter shower
  • Turn off the tap while shaving or brushing your teeth
  • Use the half flush button on the toilet
  • Return your bath towel to the rail if it doesn’t require washing and replacing.
Dog tub


Many people believe that baths waste a lot of water. However, often a bath may use less water than showering.

Discover how you can save litres of water every day just by changing a few habits in the bath!


Showering not only uses a lot of water but energy too.  Try to reduce the time you spend showering by using a shower timer.

Discover more simple ways to reduce your water usage in the shower without sacrificing your cleanliness!


Leaving a tap running wastes water and can waste energy too.  A running tap uses about 5 litres of water per minute.  A dripping tap can waste up to 12,000 litres a year.

Manage your taps with these helpful water saving tips.


25% of all the water we use in the bathroom is flushed down the toilet.  Don’t use your toilet as a bin. Feminine hygiene products, food waste, baby wipes and goldfish should go in the bin! Flushing these down the toilet not only wastes valuable water but places additional strain on the sewerage system.

Explore ways to reduce water wastage in your toilet.


10% of household water consumption is used for cooking, cleaning, washing or drinking in the kitchen. Scrape rather than rinse your dishes before putting them into the dishwasher.

Explore these tips on how to save water in the kitchen.

Accommodation providers

Learn more about our new Water Conservation Resource Kits, developed for local accommodation providers… Read more