Our Environmental Policy Statement


Westernport Water aims to be an environmentally sustainable organisation through minimising environmental impacts, mitigating and adapting to climate change, protecting and enhancing our environment as well as empowering the community to use water in a sustainable manner


Westernport Water operates within a unique natural environment and we understand that the sustainability of our communities relies on a resilient and healthy environment. We will protect the environment by minimising our environmental impact and seeking opportunities to enhance environmental outcomes wherever possible.

Westernport Water will:

  • meet the requirements specified in AS14001:2015 Environment Management and align our business with an effective EMS that will assist us to manage the impacts of our activities on the environment;
  • minimise the impacts of our activities on the environment by preventing pollution through strong and comprehensive environmental management procedures. Where pollution prevention is not possible we will avoid, reduce and control pollution through best practice design and planning;
  • continue to operate our assets within our given licence conditions, striving to reduce the impact of our treated wastewater discharges over time;
  • ensure staff, contractors and suppliers working for and on behalf of Westernport Water strive for excellence in environmental management;
  • meet the organisation’s applicable environmental legal requirements and other obligations;
  • respond to climate change by implementing actions to mitigate our climate change impact by reducing emissions and planning and adapting to a changing climate seeking carbon offsets with net positive environment and social outcomes;
  • inform our community on this environmental policy, our environmental initiatives and our environmental performance to ensure continuous improvement and to meet our customer and stakeholder’s expectations;
  • work with stakeholders and partners on sustainable solutions to regional environmental issues, including the Traditional Owners, the Bunurong Land Council to promote and preserve the cultural heritage and natural resources of area; and
  • utilise the waste hierarchy to ensure we make sustainable business decisions and maximize the efficient use of natural resources in our day to day activities.

To read the full Environment Policy click here – Environment Policy – Adopted 2024