2024 poster competition theme: Water for all, inspiring action
This year’s theme is all about inspiring changes to help our water and our planet.
We all know that water is super important, especially when the weather is changing a lot. So, we’re joining hands to make sure we have enough water for the future.
We want to do things now that will make a big difference later. Let’s work together to make sure our water stays clean and plentiful for everyone, now and in the future!
Entries for the 2024 poster competition are now open!
To celebrate National Water Week, children from kinder to Grade 6 are encouraged to design, draw or paint an A3 poster that demonstrates the changes they can make to ensure there is always water for all.
Entries are uploaded to our dedicated National Water Week Poster competition website. Enter now!
Key Dates
- Entries close: Friday, 5pm on the 6th of September 2024
- Winners will be announced during National Water Week, 21 – 27 October 2024
Age Categories
- 4-year-old Kindergarten
- Foundation/Prep
- Years 1-2
- Years 3-4
- Years 5-6
Early learning / Kindergarten
Prizes (individual and collaborative entries accepted)
- First place – $100 voucher (both individual and collaborative)
- Second place – $50 voucher (both individual and collaborative)
- Third place – $25 voucher (both individual and collaborative)
Primary School
Prizes for each category (individual entries ONLY accepted)
- First place – $100 voucher
- Second place – $50 voucher
- Third place – $25 voucher
School prize – Local competition
All participating schools and kindergartens will be entered into a random draw to win $1,000 for a sustainability project, purchase of water efficient products or educational materials.
Judging Criteria
Winners will be chosen by Westernport Water staff, by:
- How well does the poster communicate the NWW Theme ‘Water for all, inspiring action‘ and/or relevant water-related issues?
- How attractive does it look from a distance?
- Have art materials been used effectively?
- Does the poster use innovative imagery, design or concepts?
Entry conditions
- Poster size must be A3
- Any medium, from paper to digital, can be used
- Any art material and digital technology can be used, including paint, textas, crayons, coloured pencils, collage materials, original photographs and digital graphics
Image files should be in .JPG, .PDF or .PNG formats - Uploaded files are limited to 20MB
- For primary school aged children, group artwork will NOT be accepted (only one child per artwork)
- For early learning/kindergarten both individual entries and collaborative entries will be accepted
- Each child/student/collaborative group can only enter once
How to enter
It’s easier than ever to enter! Simply upload your posters to our online portal.
- Entries MUST be submitted via our dedicated NWW web portal (Please do not mail or drop off physical posters to the Westernport Water office)
- Entries close at 5 pm Friday 6 September 2024.
- Winners will be announced at school assemblies and on our website during National Water Week, 21 – 27 October 2024.
Tips for uploading a poster
- Please ensure only high resolution, high quality images are submitted
- Image files should be in .JPG, .PDF or .PNG formats
- Uploaded files are limited to 20MB
- Original posters can either be scanned or photographed
- Remember if taking a photo, please ensure a clear, non-blurred image is taken. Think about:
- good lighting
- ensuring the poster fills the entire screen, an overhead shot is often best as you are standing above the poster, looking down
- avoiding flash, as if a glossy poster, you will get glare
Lesson Plan – Poster Design Teaching and Learning Sequence
Teachers / Educators – this is a great activity for the classroom in the lead up to National Water Week.
Set your class up for success with this newly developed series of activities and lesson plan.
Focused on guiding participants through the design process behind a successful poster, students will:
- unpack the theme: ‘‘Water for all, inspiring action‘ and express what it means to them
- mind-map key elements
- develop their concepts through to a final.
Download the lesson plan here – Poster Competition Resource_National Water Week 2024

Need inspiration?
Have a look the winning and runner up entries from the 2023 NWW Poster Competition:
If you have any questions, please send an email to our Education Team at communications@westernportwater.com.au or call 1300 720 711