Valve replacement works begin on water main

Westernport Water will be undertaking valve replacement works along the drinking water main between San Remo and Wimbledon Heights from now to August 2022. The $707k project is part of […]

Customer insights help to shape future water services

Eighteen months of engagement with customers about future water and wastewater plans and prices concluded with a series of customer forums held online recently. Insights from customer engagement with approximately […]

Funding splash for community-based causes

Applications for sponsorship are invited from community groups, not-for-profit organisations, committees of management and sports clubs under Westernport Water’s 2022-23 Community Support Program. The annual program aims to strengthen communities […]

Bridge Walk for Reconciliation

Bass Coast Reconciliation Network invites everyone to come together for two significant events to learn, heal and explore how each of us can contribute to achieving reconciliation. The events commence […]

Wet wipes block pumps and pipes

Following costly sewer blockages to critical pump stations, Westernport Water is urging people to stop flushing wet wipes. Westernport Water is committed to raising awareness about the impact that wet […]

Responding to climate change

Customers to help shape water plans and prices

Water quality, climate change and affordable prices are the top issues customers want us to focus on according to customer feedback collected as part of our water price review consultation. […]

Customers raise over $2.7K for charities

Westernport Water customers and visitors to the region have helped raise over $2,700 for charity by having their say on water and wastewater services. From September until early December this […]

Judged the best tasting tap water in Victoria

Westernport Water was recognised as having Victoria’s best tasting tap water at the recent Water Industry Operators Association of Australia (WIOA) 2021 Best Tasting Tap Water competition. Water samples from […]

Record capital investment and hardship support

Westernport Water is pleased to announce that its 2021 Annual Report was released today. Westernport Water’s annual report once again highlights strong operational performance, customer support and financial responsibility. The […]