We’re upgrading a 1.5ML water storage tank at Stanley Road, Grantville

The Stanley Road Water Tank is one of two water storages in the Grantville area, storing 1.5ML of drinking water supplied from the Ian Bartlett Water Purification Plant.

The tank was built over thirty years ago in 1987 and the ageing roof is now approaching the end of its theoretical life and needs to be replaced to ensure reliable drinking water for customers for years to come.

About the works

The works involve the construction and installation of a new hot dip galvanized steel roof as well as upgrades to access points, fencing and lighting.


  • improve the reliability of water supply to customers
  • extend the life of the tank for another 25 years
  • reduce maintenance and repair costs associated with aging infrastructure.

Impact on water services

There is no impact to water services anticipated, water supply will continue as normal while the works are happening.

During construction, the tank will be taken offline and bypassed, enabling the continuation of water services to customers.




Stanley Road, Grantville


April 2023 to July 2023

Contact us

If you would like more information about the project, please contact Project Manager Harsha Puvvala at westport@westernportwater.com.au or call 1300 720 711.